The Caltha Equity Fund

The Caltha equity fund is an invitational fund open to an exclusive group of wholesale investors

Large Manager Commitment

Investing our capital alongside your own further aligns our interest. If there were a better place to invest, we would. This large financial commitment solidified our partnership with our investors.

0% Fixed Management Fees

We are a purely performance based fee structure fund, only charging performance fees once we have outperformed the market, and only calculated on the return. If the investor doesn’t get a guaranteed return, then neither should we.

ASX/200 Benchmark

Designed to outperform the S&P/ASX200 over rolling five-year periods, with the mindset of long-term business owners rather than short term traders

An Exclusive Invitation

Our investment team is currently offering exclusive access to the Caltha Equity Fund. Our fundamental research-intensive investment strategy has delivered us 17.59% p.a return net of fees since its inception.

Caltha presents an opportunity to invest in a high-conviction Australian equity fund with unmatched manager alignment.





Track Record

3 Months3 Year5 YearSince Inception
Caltha Capital(3.88%)9.32%13.00%17.59%
ASX200 Accumulation Index(0.80%)7.98%8.35%10.60%
Returns are Net of Fees & Including Franking Credits. Part of the track record was before the current structure was established.


A Tried & Tested Strategy, Executed Flawlessly

Our fundamental objective as investment fund managers is to generate alpha returns, a goal we approach with a commitment to precision and professional diligence. Our strategy centres on curating a portfolio of 5 – 15 high-conviction investments within the ASX200, identified through a research-intensive fundamental bottom-up analysis and due diligence.

Our selection criteria focus on companies that have demonstrated profitability over the past five years and possess a market capitalisation of at least one billion ensuring a blend of stability and potential for growth. We seek out companies that are currently experiencing non-fundamentally changing transitory events that lead to a temporary misalignment between its market price and its true underlying intrinsic value. Such instances are perceived by us as golden opportunities to acquire fundamentally robust and promising companies, at reduced valuations.

Designed to outperform the S&P/ASX200 over rolling five-year periods, we adopt the mindset of long-term business owners rather than short term traders, this strategy underscores our dedication to long-term value creation. While the fund does not impose lock-in periods or redemption fees, we encourage investors to engage with a long-term perspective, ideally mirroring the fund’s five-year strategic horizon.
It’s crucial to remember that past performance is not indicative of future results. Our disciplined approach and rigorous selection criteria are aimed at positioning the fund for sustained success, aligning with our investors’ aspirations for superior investment outcomes.

How is Caltha incentivised to outperform the market?

Caltha is incentivised to outperform the market in 2 ways:

1. We only charge a 15% performance fee once we have outperformed the hurdle rate.

2.  Our managers have a large, personal commitment within the fund alongside our investors.

  • Fund Details
  • Investment Details
  • Performance
  • Fees
Investment ObjectiveOut-perform the S&P/ASX200 over rolling 5-year periods, with capital preservation and growth a priority. 
Fund ManagerCaltha Capital Pty Ltd
Minimum Suggested Time Frame5 Years or Longer
Asset ClassAustralian Shares, Long Only
BenchmarkS&P/ASX200 Accumulation Index
Borrowing LimitMaximum of 25% Net Trust Value
Concentration LimitMaximum of 50% Net Trust Value in any one holding
Distribution PolicyHalf-Yearly
Who Can InvestWholesale Clients
Minimum Initial Investment$500,000
Minimum Additional Investment$100,000
Lock-In PeriodNo Lock-In Period
Minimum Suggested Time Frame5 Years or longer
Track Record
17.59% p.a
net of fees, Including franking credits
Alpha Delivered6.99%
Annual Distributions14.46% FY24
including franking credits
Entry Fee0.00
Exit Fee0.00
Management Fee0.00
Performance Fee15.00%
Buy / Sell Spread0.20% / 0.20%


Safety And Security First

Caltha Capital has made significant efforts to minimise the risks associated with fund administration, unit pricing, fee and return calculation, legal and regulatory compliance, and tax requirements by appointing and coordinating with third-party tier-one service providers.

These third-party global leaders in fund administration, legal advisory, and auditing provide our investors confidence. You can trust that our Equity Fund is being monitored and overlooked by reputable people and trustworthy companies.

Each of these respected advisors is in place to ensure that the Caltha Equity Fund meets or exceeds regulatory and best practice requirements where applicable.

Who calculates fees and unit pricing?

Fees and unit pricing are calculated by a reputable third-party independent managed fund administration firm, William Buck.

Is the fund audited by a third party each year?

Yes, the fund is audited by a third-party auditing service each year. 

Does the fund distribute income?

Yes, the fund distributes income half-yearly, if opted to by the investor. Otherwise, the income will be reinvested in the fund and corresponding units will be issued to the investor.

  • Daniel Sutherland

    Fund Manager

    Daniel Sutherland is the Chief Executive Officer and Fund Manager at Caltha Capital, bringing over 10 years of investment industry experience to his leadership role.

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